Legal Notices
Size Up Consulting is a brand of the HELPLINE group.
The legal entity publishing this website is:
Corporate name: HELPLINE
Share capital: 1 083 705,5 €
Address of the head office: 171, avenue Georges Clemenceau - 92024 Nanterre cedex
SIREN: 381 983 568
SIRET: 38198356800043
NAF code: 6203Z
Intra-community VAT number: FR88 381 983 568
Publishing director: Bernard Lewis
The host of this website is:
Corporate name: HELPLINE
Address of the head office: 171, avenue Georges Clemenceau - 92024 Nanterre cedex
Telephone (switchboard): 01 41 37 70 00
Design and maintenance:
Corporate name: Poivre&Sell
Share capital: 51 320 €
Address of the head office: 26 avenue René Cassin, Héron Building, 69009 Lyon
SIRET: 75191573700033
Telephone: 04 74 01 30 30
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For more information, the user can consult Privacy policy page.